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    Counseling for Trauma

    Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s a car accident, abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to the violence of war, or a natural disaster. While many people can recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency, others may discover effects of lasting trauma, which can cause a person to live with deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress far after the event has passed.

    In these circumstances, the support, guidance, and assistance of a therapist (such as Vitality Life Counseling of San Antonio) is fundamental to healing from trauma.

    The Impact of Trauma

    Trauma can significantly impact various aspects of a person’s life, including their relationships, work, and overall well-being. It’s not uncommon for individuals who have experienced trauma to feel isolated or misunderstood, which is why reaching out for professional help is a crucial step toward recovery. In therapy, we create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore and process your experiences at your own pace.

    Trauma Symptoms

    According to the four types of symptoms listed in the DSM-5:

    1.      Avoidance Symptoms

    These symptoms include:

    • Avoiding specific locations, sights, situations, and sounds that serve as reminders of the event
    • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt

    2.      Re-experiencing Symptoms

    Some signs of re-experiencing include:

    • Intrusive thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks

    3.      Hyperarousal Symptoms

    You may notice:

    • Anger, irritability, and hypervigilance
    • Aggressive, reckless behavior, including self-harm
    • Sleep disturbances

    4.      Negative Mood and Cognition Symptoms

    Pay attention to:

    • Loss of interest in activities that were once considered enjoyable
    • Difficulty remembering details of the distressing event
    • Change in habits or behavior since the trauma

    Psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment for trauma. Most commonly, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and written exposure therapy (WET), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) are used in treating trauma.

    Connect with Other Survivors

    Group therapy can also be beneficial for trauma survivors. It provides a space to connect with others who have similar experiences, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding. Group therapy can offer unique insights and coping strategies that might not surface in individual sessions.

    This is Your Journey

    Another important aspect of trauma therapy is developing healthy coping mechanisms. This may include mindfulness practices, relaxation techniques, and building a strong support network. These tools can help manage symptoms and reduce the impact of triggers in daily life.

    It’s also important to acknowledge that healing from trauma is a journey, and progress may come in different forms and at different times for each person. Patience and self-compassion are key components of this journey. As a therapist, I am committed to walking alongside you, providing the guidance and support needed to navigate the path to healing.

    Schedule a Consultation

    Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and with the right support, it is possible to move beyond the pain of trauma and lead a fulfilling and empowered life. If you or someone you know matches the trauma symptoms listed above, I am confident that I can help and invite you to contact me today for a free consultation.